Announcement On Award Of Contract
Contents :
The Company is pleased to notify the Exchange that it has been awarded the following contracts :-
1. As Sub-Contractor for the Supply, Laying and Commissioning of Pipelines by Jong Kui Ling
Construction Sdn. Bhd. as Main Contractor, for the Proposed Site Clearing, Sand Filing &
Infrastructure Works For Demak Laut Industrial Park (Phase III) Kuching Division, Sarawak.
The sub-contract works amount to approximately RM2.34 million and completion period is estimated to be five (5) months effective from 3 August 1999.
2. As Contractor for the Supply, Delivery, Laying and Commissioning of the Proposed 1000mm/600mm dia. Steel Pipeline and Associated Works From Around Mile 7 City Centre/Simpang Tiga, Kuching Division from Kuching Water Board as per their Letter of Acceptance dated 11 August 1999 under Contract No. KWB/CON.11/99.
The contract works amount to approximately RM7.60 million and completion period is estimated to be Fourteen(14) months.
Announcement Info
Company Name |
Stock Name |
Date Announced |
18 Aug 1999 |
Category |
General Announcement |
Reference No |
CU-990818-67409 |